Thank you for playing Gate Ruler!
The 14th WORLD DISCORD CUP will be taking place at the following date and time:
Date: February 10th, 2024 (Saturday)
(UTC/United Kingdom) 4:00PM (Europe) 5:00PM (Russia) 7:00PM
(US Pacific) 8:00AM (US Central) 10:00AM (US East) 11:00AM
(Japan) 1:00AM (February 11th)
Please click on this link for further details and to register.
The link to the discord server where the event will take place is below (if you’ve never joined this discord server before, please be sure to enter it at least once before the tournament starts!):
At least 1 hour before the event begins, participants will be granted access to the World Discord Cup related channels within the English speakers section of the above server. Please try to login at least 10 minutes before the event and say “Here” in the worlddiscordcup-chat channel of the World Discord Cup section to confirm your participation.
The format will be Swiss Draw, 3 to 5 rounds depending on number of players, and each match will be resolved by best of 3 (each match will consist of up to 3 games, until 1 player wins twice or the timer runs out). Please note that if not enough players show up, we may switch to a Round Robin format. This tournament will not have any player elimination, so all players are welcome to play in all rounds regardless of their match results.
Please note that only cards currently available in English are legal (which includes up to Booster Set 5). Cards that do not have an English counterpart available are not. (Cards with collector numbers starting with 2023GBB and 2023GS05 that are not reprints of older cards, along with any Set 6 advance promos, are not usable. On the other hand, the new cards in the Draconoid Destruction!/竜型決戦兵器 and Alice & Ascendants Alliance/アリス覚醒者 starter decks are now legal!)
Prizes for this tournament are as follows:
1st Place: a promotion card version of 《Renaissance》 marked “WINNER”, a full art Japanese promotion card version of 《Shou of the Wind Wisp》, and an alternate art Japanese promotion card version of 《Anubis Lookalike》.
2nd Place: a promotion card version of 《Renaissance》 marked “WINNER”, a full art Japanese promotion card version of 《Shou of the Wind Wisp》
3rd Place: a promotion card version of 《Renaissance》 marked “WINNER”
*We ask that these top 3 players submit their deck lists.
Random prize, awarded to 2 lucky players among those present at the end of the tournament: a full art promotion card version of 《Kami’s Vessel》
Please check out the registration link above for more details.
Registration deadline is Saturday, February 10th, 9:00AM UTC (6:00PM Japan).